Book us for your next educational event!

From panel discussions and moderation to prepared workshops or even a program of your own design, we would love to be part of your next educational event.  Please fill out the form below to submit your request, and be sure to read the descriptions of our workshops and programs at the bottom of the page!

Workshops, ProgRAMS, and Keynotes

Cultivating the 10 Habits of Mind for Success in College and Beyond

Audience: students, parents, or faculty

What factors contribute to students’ academic success and achievement during the college years? While first-year students need strong academic skills to succeed in college, it’s no longer enough to only use the traditional study skills required for successful academic performance. Other factors, such as critical thinking and taking calculated risks, have the potential to shape both academic and social experiences. In this session, the audience will learn about the habits, behaviors, and attitudes that contribute to success, in both college and life, and how to cultivate them.


From College to Career: Twenty-First Century Skills for Success

Audience: students, parents, or faculty

In the twenty-first century, employers have clearly expressed the desire for particular skill sets that they identify as critical for college graduates to possess. College students are expected to cultivate these professional skills as part of their educational experience. In a fast-paced, ever-changing world, building these skills is necessary for success in college and the workplace. This session will outline five key skills that will contribute to academic and professional achievement, and provide insight on how to develop them.


Adjusting to the College Experience: What First-Years Face

Audience: students, parents, or faculty

This session explores the various facets of adjusting to the college experience that first-year students face. The audience will learn what to expect during the first year of college, and develop an understanding of what first-year students will typically experience in the six key areas of adjustment:

  • Academic
  • Social
  • Emotional
  • Financial
  • Cultural
  • Intellectual


Parenting Reboot: Supporting Your Young Adult during the College Years

Audience: parents or faculty

Parents of college students often struggle with the extent to which they should be involved in their young adult’s college experience. They may feel conflicted about how and when to “let go.”  While research on helicoptering suggests parents should back off, other evidence concludes that students are more successful with parental support. How do parents determine clear boundaries without the detrimental effects of helicopter parenting?  This session helps parents strike a balance between hovering and letting go, and effectively contribute to their student’s college success.


Design Your Own Workshop

Audience: students, parents or faculty

Don’t see what you are looking for? We can deliver programming on a wide variety of student success topics, ranging from study skills to time management & combating procrastination, the writing process and more. Just ask and we will tailor a program/workshop to meet your goals and objectives.

Fill out the form below to request a booking.