Meanwhile, check out out the companion parent book below!

As a companion to the parent book (Your Freshman Is Off to College), the student guide, Off to College: A Month-By-Month Guide to the First-Year is a book designed to assist students through the first-year experience, an exciting new phase in their lives. Chock-full of advice about handling the triumphs and pitfalls of their first year, the intention of the guide is not only to provide students with an understanding of basic expectations they will encounter during college, but also to offer insights into what most students face during the course of that first-year.

Like the parent book, each chapter of Off to College focuses on a single month of the first year, identifying key challenges and milestones, and advising students on how to handle them. The authors point students in the direction of specific campus resources to address their challenges and support their transition to college. Off to College: A Month-By-Month Guide to the First-Year will help students to have a successful first year and readily adjust to the common experiences that the first year brings. When parents and students read these books together, it allows them to share the experience simultaneously, creating a common understanding of the complexities of adjusting to college.